
Thursday 29 August 2013

Futsal Training

We have been learning all about the skills of futsal. We have had sessions with coaches from Otago Football and have learnt to use different parts of our foot to manoeuvre the ball.

Thursday 15 August 2013

Fair Craft

We have been producing items to sell at the fair. We made key rings out of felt. First we sewed them up and then we stuffed them with dacron.

Next we turned lollipops into works of art.

Come along to the fair to buy our creations!

Tuesday 6 August 2013

Vivid verbs and amazing adjectives

This term, we have been teaching our Room 17 buddies all about verbs. Today we talked about using vivid verbs - these are verbs that are not boring, but are colourful and really build up a picture in our imaginations.

We created caterpillars. These helped to develop fantastic sentences because we used a list of amazing adjectives and vivid verbs.

Monday 5 August 2013

Writing Instructions

We have been learning how to write instructions. We have learnt that you need to put in all the important steps otherwise the people following the instructions may not get it right!
We have been completing lots of activities so that we can write about them afterwards. Here are some of the class making hot chocolate. What a great way to start the day!

Friday 2 August 2013

Writing Instructions

We have begun to learn how to write instructions. Today we made popcorn and then we wrote down the instructions to show how we did it. Hopefully now, people can pick up our writing and know exactly the right steps to take to make perfect popcorn!

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Toothpick 3D shapes

In math class, we used toothpicks and marshmallows to create some 3D shapes. We found out that the marshmallows represented the vertices (corners), and the toothpicks were the edges. This helped us to see these more clearly.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

Making Tapa Cloths

We have been busy creating some wonderful tapa cloths to put up on our walls. We very carefully drew a pattern and then dyed the paper with brown dye.

They are now all up on our wall. We think that they look very artisitic. Here is a sample. What do you think?  Come in to look at them all.